
Why did I rarely find an escort with real pictures?

A small portion of brave escorts will consider using real pictures to do the business while most others are too conservative to do so because this behavior will take risk. Here are the reasons. 

Firstly, With the fast development of technology of facial recognition system and its popular utilization here, if any relevant organization wanna monitor this business, it can easily identify whom an escort is just through reading her real pictures. Her privacy is broken. Maybe in turn will make her customer's privacy in trouble. Therefore as long as the escort makes you satisfied with her service, there is no need to bother on her pictures. You will feel too tired if you bother on this issue and be unable to enjoy the time with an escort. There is a famous saying here to express this opinion - " If the water is too clear, there will not be any fish in the water". So please do not make anything too clear....😉😉😉

Secondly, her real photo online will have the chance to be seen by her friends or relatives. In this conservative place, such behavior will cause trouble for her. You may do not agree with this because you think this is English media and people do not know English. That is just your opinion. A picture online can easily be captured by any search engine and be seen on many other sites. Who knows? 

But no need to worry the quality of the real escort, usually an escort similar to the photo will be sent to your hotel for your enjoyment. Just relax and do not bother too much. If feel too tired, it will not be entertainment.

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